KYC Procedure


*Clients that are in the age between 65 to 75 y.o., and have reached a trading volume of a total of 25, 001.00 EUR (USD, AUD, GBP) are obliged to proceed with the video verification call. Maximum trading volume that the client can reach is 150,000.00 EUR (USD, AUD, GBP).

** Clients that are 76 y.o. and above are not allowed to exceed the trading volume of 20,001.00 EUR (USD, AUD, GBP), video verification call will be selectively requested.*

1 Driver’s licence, State ID, Passport

2 Utility bill, bank/credit card statement, tax invoice, or another government-issued residential statement/certificate, which is no more than 3 months old. It should contain the client's full name, address, and postal code. Please note, we do not accept screenshots, mobile phone bills, medical bills, purchase receipts or insurance statements.

3 A bank statement for the last 3-6 months with a full list of transactions with descriptions, including clients account holder credentials visible on the statement full name, account number, and address.


Source of funds/wealth

*Questions we may potentially ask during the verification call: